Monday, September 27, 2010

ISES Austin September 2010 Green Event

Photos by La Dolce Vita Photography. Thanks to all who joined us for the ISES Austin September event to discuss best green strategies to implement today. I was honored to be invited to speak and to put together the program content. With input from a panel of experts (Marla Camp of Edible Austin, Brandi C. Burton of Austin EcoNetwork, and Gerry Acuna of Tri-Recycling), the room was buzzing with questions, comments and concerns regarding environmental issues surrounding the events and catering industry. Thanks to all the wonderful vendors who contributed to the production of the event and to the event professionals who participated in the discussion.

Green Fern Events provided the composting and recycling services for the event helping to keep the event true to its name! As a result of our recycling/food compost efforts as well as implementing many green strategies to the event planning process for the September meeting, we only had 2 bags of refuse post-event. Everything else was either recycled or composted.

Official Post-Event Eco-Analysis
LANDFILL WASTE: .3 Cubic Yards
RESULT: 80% of our waste from the September meeting was diverted from a landfill!

Monday, September 20, 2010

ISES AUSTIN: September "Green Theme" Meeting

Hello Friends! It is a privilege and an honor to be speaking tomorrow evening on behalf of the "greening" of the meeting and events industry for ISES Austin Chapter (International Society of Event Specialists). This is going to be a fantastic event at a beautiful new wedding and special events venue in central Austin. Green Fern Events is sponsoring the recycling and food compost for this event and will be leading the panel discussion of key environmental leaders in the Austin Community. Join us tomorrow 9/21 from 6-9pm to learn "Best Practices for Going Green Today!". More information can be found on ISES Austin's WEBSITE and BLOG.