Monday, March 30, 2009

Million Tons of Trash Challenge!

Have you heard the latest news? The Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC) has set a million ton target for waste diversion, recycling in 2009. The goal is for a million tons of waste to be diverted, recycled, or composted via the travel, meetings and hospitality industries. According to GMIC Board President Amy Spatrisano, "The Million Tons of Trash Challenge is a fun, competitive way to inspire the industry to measure and reduce the waste it produces, cut its carbon emissions, and save money along the way".  I think this is a phenomenal idea and that this challenge will definitely inspire folks in the industry to "go the extra mile" for reducing waste. Green Fern Events embraces this challenge and aims to be a leader of this exciting movement. For more information on the "Million Tons of Trash Challenge" please visit GMIC's website. 

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