Perhaps our ancestors would be laughing that we are seeking
out natural swimming pools for our homes since there are so many natural
wonders available. If you want to spend
more time in the water instead of cleaning it this summer, here are some
reasons you might want to consider building a natural pool.
Benefits of a natural pool:
1. Low maintenance: let Mother Nature do the work
2. Costs less: no electricity, plumbing, chemicals
3. Green: healthy for all the plants and organisms
in the pond
4. Nature sounds: improve your feng shui
1. Keep your planting zone equal in area to
swimming zone
2. Use a variety of water garden plants to keep the
space aerated, warm, safe for an animal habitat and beautiful
3. Even though plants are great natural filters,
many natural pools will still require an underwater aeration system to keep the
water from becoming stagnant
You can also swim at these natural beauties this summer in
Central Texas:
1. Barton Springs
2. Deep Eddy
3. Hamilton Pools
4. Krause Springs
5. Blue Hole
1. Havasu Falls (Arizona)
2. Peekamoose Blue Hole (New York)
3. Little River Canyon (Alabama)
4. Carlon Falls (California)
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