We've done it again! I must admit, at first I was a bit skeptical that we could beat our very high diversion rate of 97% from last year's event at the Austin Music Hall. As I mentioned once before, anything over 90% is considered ZERO WASTE and last year we exceeded that percentage with flying colors.
On Friday, November 30 at Brazos Hall (a new hip venue in downtown Austin) we broke all records diverting close to 99% of all the waste from the party from a landfill! This is the best we've ever done.
Pink Avacado Catering & Brazos Hall staff were amazing! To give you a few examples...the servers were pouring out ice from cups, putting lemons in the compost bins and then recycling the plastic. The bar managers helped the bar staff get all of their recyclables to the proper bins in the back. The kitchen staff made sure every single bit of food waste was composted (even to the last little black bean).
High Beam Events did a great job of coordinating the overall event as well as for taking the time to setup a pre-planning walkthrough with all the vendors to communicate our green initiative.
About Green Fern Events: Green Fern Events (GFE) is a sustainable event management company. Based in Austin, TX – GFE helps clients across the nation improve the positive environmental impacts of their events while at the same time delivering high-quality, flawless, professionally-executed events at a cost effective price.
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